آزمون تعیین سطح مرحله 1 از 13 - اطلاعات شخصی 0% نام* نام نام خانوادگی تلفن همراه*ایمیل سوال اول: اگه دیروز بهم گفته بودی فردا باهات میومدم.*.If you told me yesterday,I will come with you tomorrow.If you had told me yesterday, I would come with you tomorrow.If you told me yesterday, I would come with you tomorrow.If you had told me yesterday, I will come with you tomorrow سوال دوم: ای کاش الان یه بوگاتی داشتم.*.I wish I have had a Boughatti now.I wish I have a Boughatti now.I wish I had had a Boughatti now.I wish I had a Boughatti now سوال سوم: من سیب دوست دارم.*.I like a apple.I like apples.I like apple.I like an apple سوال چهارم: او پسر است.*.He is a boy.He is boy.He boy.He is one boy سوال پنجم: او تنها دختر خوبیه بلکه دانش آموز خوبی ام هست.*.She is not only a good girl but also she is a good student.She is not only a good girl but a good.Not she a good girl but a good student.She not only a good girl but a good student سوال ششم : من ده ساله که دارم آمریکا زندگی میکنم.*.I am living in the U.S 10 years.I have been living in the U.S for 10 years.I am living in the U.S for 10 years.I had been living in the U.S for 10 years سوال هفتم : من غذا خوردم و الان سیرم.*.I eat and I'm full.I eaten and I'm full.I ate and I' m full.I have eaten and I 'm full سوال هشتم : اگر در گذشته درس میخوندم خلبان میشدم.*.If studied I am a pilot.If I had studied in the past , I would be a pilot now.If I had studied in the past , I would have become a pilot.If I had studied in the past , I will be a pilot now سوال نهم : ای کاش الان مادربزرگم پیشم بود.*.I wish my grandma is with me now.I wish my grandma are with me now.I wish my grandma were with me now.I wish my grandma was with me now سوال دهم : نه علی کلاس میاد نه حسن.*.Neither Ali nor Hasan comes to class.Not Ali not Hasan comes to class.Neither Ali nor Hasan come to class.Not ali not Hasan come to class سوال یازدهم : من ماشین دارم.*.I have one car.I have car.I have cars.I have a car سوال دوازدهم : علی : من خسته م حسن : منم همینطور معادل منم همینطور کدام گزینه صحیح ترین است؟*.So is he.So do I.Me tired too.So am I